Robinson Brothers has been involved in Carbon disulfide chemistry since manufacturing rubber accelerators in the 1930's.

Today, Carbon disulfide is used as a versatile reagent for the manufacture of thiazoles, xanthates, thiocarbamates and thiuram disulfides for use in such diverse applications such as: pharmaceutical, veterinary, photographic, effluent treatment and rubber goods. 

At Robinson Brothers, Carbon disulfide chemistries are carried out in our 4,500L dedicated vessel operating on a flexible scale from kilograms to multi-tonnes. Whilst the Carbon disulfide is available from bulk tank supplies, our largest dedicated Carbon disulfide systems consists of 18,000L vessels. All reactions are handled under the highest environmental control using dedicated feedlines and scrubber systems.

Our Pilot Plant facility allows us to handle material under the tightest control standards to ensure safety. Robinson Brothers has invested heavily in a fully-equipped Process Hazard Screening Laboratory operated by our Process Safety Manager. All aspects of a reaction process is rigorously screened for any hazards and process safety prior to making first scale up in Kilo-Laboratory and/or Pilot Plant. Where necessary, processes are reverse engineered to remove and mitigate any identified process hazards prior to manufacturing. Click to learn more about our Process Hazard Screening Laboratory.

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Learn more about Robac Technology rubber accelerators.